Ye Olde Curiosity Shop, Seattle, WA
2 days ago
Worlds Largest Things, Inc., home of the World's Largest Collection of the World's Smallest Versions of the World's Largest Things. Here's the scoop on the latest from World's Largest Things, Inc. Official Home Page:
NEW WLT Sideshow Banner Poster
Glossy, full color, 11" x 17"
Price includes shipping and handling
11" x 17" Sideshow Poster
You can now order a poster of the first WLT Sideshow Banner that will make up the new traveling exhibit, due to make its first appearance in May, 2010. Poster is glossy, full color, 11" x 17", and features paintings of the World's Smallest Versions of the World's Largest Things.
Price includes shipping and handling
I originally caught wind of this on some Japanese TV channel, in about two seconds, I thought "This has got to be on YouTube, and I was right! UNF***ing believable! What an accomplishment! I hope the developer can make a few million bucks on this, just for appearances at race tracks and parades. Change the tank to look like a Harley, and next stop, Daytona and Sturgis!
Make the most of it! $$$$$$$
I bet he would have trouble getting motorcycle insurance for that thing, lol.
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