Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Giant MooCow - Foundation set!

I posted this about a month ago, when discussions were in the works for finding the World's Largest Tipping Moo-Cow a home in Lucas.  Well, it looks like the ball is rolling!  In an agreement with Wenzel Steel Works, co-creators of the MooCow, the Lucas Home Base will soon be the home base for the MooCow!  We dug and set two base timbers Sunday, so placement is set, and we're just waiting for the ground to dry enough to get the 3500 pound wonder delivered and in place.
Pictured here is Peregrine Honig, the conceptualist and artist for the piece, with design and fabrication executed by Wenzel Steel Works.  The piece was originally commissioned for the Kansas City "Avenue of the Arts" in 2002, and installed in an urban Kansas City setting.  It was again displayed in Kansas City (13th and Central) during May and June 2009.

1 comment:

ranjit said...

I gotta know what this thing sounds like!!