Friday, September 5, 2008

Member packet #107 out today...

We're in the middle of office-type items this week, including gathering materials for writing a strategic plan and financial organization, looking into a good source for QuickBooks Non-Profit, and making sure member communications are progressing. And, the first of the Newly Designed Tees went out to our newest member #107! That's the advantage of stopping by in person - no need to wait for the snail mail image and order form...

Also, catching up on posting Weekly What's Large Where on the members only section of the blog - if you don't have access, let us know and we'll add your email to the 'can-read' list. The blog contains all of the WWLW columns for the last two years, and we're readdressing titles so they're searchable.

Up next, a KHC Speakers Bureau lecture in Lawrence KS, at the public library, 2:30 p.m., then off to the Society for Commercial Archeology conference in Albuquerque NM next week.

Keep on Living Large, WLT members and fans!
-EN, dir., WLT Inc.

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