Yay! Return visit to the Cawker City and Glen Elder annual fish fry. They put on a great spread, with homemade fish caught in the past 36 hours and deep fried, lots of salad variations, and my favorite, pink cake. Then, while they digested, I gove a slide presentation of recent doin's with World's Largest Things in a Slide Show Extravaganza.
Best of all, a few in the crowd are ringers - the caretaker of the World's Largest Ball of Twine, Linda Clover, was there, as well as a regional artist responsible for creating the Twine Walk in Cawker City - an installation of reproductions of masterworks of art, with a twine ball hidden in each one. Cher Heller Olson is the mastermind behind the Twine Paintings, which serves a dual purpose of getting people to explore downtown Cawker City, as well as giving the population a lesson in Art History, too!
Images of both Linda and some of the Twine Paintings are on the 50th Birthday Party Page from 2003...
Great evening...
Ye Olde Curiosity Shop, Seattle, WA
2 days ago
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