While tour-guiding over at the Garden of Eden, I received a phone call from the Russell Daily News (Lucas KS is in Russell County). The reporter had heard a rumor of an upcoming Garden event, celebrating its 100th anniversary. After filling her in on the details, she said "Is this Erika?? I just saw you on TV - the little spots promoting Lucas? I just wanted to say we really appreciate all you do to promote Lucas and Russell County."
It made my day. She was referring to a series of spots the Lucas Chamber of Commerce put together with a Hays TV station, with little 20 second spots featuring things to see and do in Lucas. They did some shots of the World's Largest Souvenir Travel Plate, and a mini-interview with me and the Traveling Roadside Attraction and Museum.
I haven't seen them yet, but if anyone posts them to YouTube, let me know, please!
Thanks for Living Large!
-Erika, director World's Largest Things, Inc.
Ye Olde Curiosity Shop, Seattle, WA
2 days ago
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